1. My Best Friend
Black and white
Thick and furry
Fast as the wind
Always in a hurry
Children are fascinated with all types of animals. From observing wild animals in zoos and aquariums to squirrels and birds in their backyards, children find animals mesmerizing. A pet can be a child’s best friend. Children love pets, from fish and guinea pigs to dogs and cats. Pets give children wonderful memories that will last a lifetime, especially when their pet makes a mess or does something funny.
I've had many dogs in my life! Growing up as a little girl, I remember my father taking my younger sister and me to pick out our first dog. He was a terrier mix, and my father named him Spud...
One rainy day on my way home from school,
I found a big worm and thought it was cool.
I picked up the worm with my bare hand,
Great poem. My daughter also likes worms. When she was younger she would play happily in the muck collecting worms for hours.
I hear of a place that is made of gold,
a place where we shall never grow old,
but one answer I have not heard at all,
will there be paw prints from my little dog?
It's so great! I'm going to use it for a poetry contest in school.
My son, age 9, loves all things cat. He's currently taking a drama class and has to read a poem. This is the one he chose. I just hope he can make it through the poem without giggling. He...
Pets are people, too, just like me and you.
They need food in their tummies and lots of beefy yummies.
They are little, but their hearts are BIG.
This poem delivers a right message about the relationship between man and nature. These pets teach us love, compassion, and empathy without expectation. But one bitter reality l must admit...
I was born one day to the sunny sky;
The light was quite a surprise.
My mother fed me and kept me warm,
While I was small in size.
It proves animals have feelings too. They are the same as humans.
Roar goes the T-Rex
Trampling creatures in his path.
You'd better look out above
'Cause he moves fast.
My dad loves dinosaurs, and my favorite is the raptor!
Most living things are around
Wherever living things are found.
On land or sea, that swim beneath,
Most of them have got their teeth.
Ah Brian, I LOVED IT! My kind of children's poem. Very well done. Blessings, Gary
Hear Ye, Hear Ye there is much to do,
But the reindeer up north have caught the flu!
The presents are wrapped, the sleigh is all set,
This has so much imagination! Really cute.
Dino, Dino, who will it be?
T-Rex, T-Rex, your roar ferocious and loud,
Standing on its hind legs, tall and proud.
This is very interesting because together with the types of dinosaurs their specific characteristics are mentioned. It might give children both joy and knowledge.
When my cat sleeps, he snoozes
Inside the laundry basket,
Or on top of a tree,
Crammed inside a shelf,
My doggie makes me happy,
I love her so much!
My little furry friend;
So soft to the touch.
"Amazing!" was all I could say
Because I finally got my puppy today.
Chocolate brown with soulful eyes,
Definitely the perfect birthday surprise.
Famous Poem
The woodpecker pecked out a little round hole
And made him a house in the telephone pole.
One day when I watched he poked out his head,
It's "snot" funny being an elephant when you need to blow your nose.
My trunk is long, and I have no hands as I'm sure the whole world knows.
And where would I keep my tissues, as pockets I have none,
An elephant came for a sleepover
And jumped into my bed
I never saw him coming ‘til
He landed on my head
What kind of pet do you think I should get?
A lion, a tiger, or maybe an egret?
My parents said I am responsible and can have whatever I wish.
Famous Poem
O bird that darts now low, now high,
You know the streets across the sky;
You know where leafy lanes lie deep
And quiet nooks to go to sleep;
My mommy said today
That I could get a pet one day.
I gave her a kiss
Then started making my list.
Tiny Chihuahua,
Humongous Great Dane.
The difference between them
Is really quite plain.