Friendship Poem by Teens

Well, my name is Cassie Shepherd and I am 15 years old. I am in rehab right now for drugs and alcohol. I was born in Kentucky and raised in Nebraska. I have had a really rough past of abuse, and I am in recovery from all that. I wrote this poem because I have a friend who always criticizes me about my habits and every little stupid thing that I do wrong. She never tells me what I am doing right. She acts like she is perfect. She is a Christian and God is all she talks about and how if I don't ask for forgiveness that I will go to hell. She's constantly ragging on me. I need to go to church, I need to do this, I need to do that. It's never ending. I sadly want her to do something wrong so that I can rag on her about something. I love her to death, but I want her to stop being so perfect. So that's why I wrote this poem.

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You are actually so much "better" than you realize. As time goes on, you will blossom and become a brighter star than any of your friends combined. Find your strengths. Surround yourself with...

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You're So Much Better Than Me


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2007 with permission of the Author.

You're so much better than me!
You've got it all,
The perfect man,
The best house,
The coolest car,
The cutest pets,
The most money,
The nicest parents,
The most perfect body,
You have to be hiding something,
Some kind of imperfection,
A flaw of some sort,
I'm not hiding anything,
Except from you,
Well because you are so much better than me,
Are you?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dee by Dee, FL
  • 14 years ago

You are actually so much "better" than you realize. As time goes on, you will blossom and become a brighter star than any of your friends combined. Find your strengths. Surround yourself with people that celebrate your strengths. That will give you the courage to become the best you that you can be...Which is so much, well...BETTER!!!

  • Lynn by Lynn, Australia
  • 14 years ago

Hey Cassie you beautiful brave girl - your poem touched my heart and rings so true about many people that come and go in our lives - I find all too often that many people (not just besties) are so quick to judge, tell you what you should do (blar blar blar) thinking they know what's best for you etc etc. You be guided by your own heart and don't be brought down by others. I admire your courage, keep writing because your v.v. good at it. Love and rainbows always to you. Lynn xxxxx

  • Latosha by Latosha, KY
  • 15 years ago

I know how you best friend is the same way...she always acts like a perfect person...when we all know she's not and she always gets any guy she wants then brags...I've tried everything to catch her in a bind to get her in trouble but she never gets caught...this poem means a lot.

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