The one who just showed anger
No fear, no hurt
The one who never seemed to care
Tears shed and not a word spoken
Now I see that you were being strong
Trying to hold it together
Not just for you
But for the people around you.
When I saw one tear fall
I knew right away
Something was wrong
And I knew it was serious.
What is there for me to do?
What is there for me to say?
I feel helpless because the loss of a brother
I have never been through.
I can't say I know your pain because I don't.
I can't say I know what you're going through
because that would be a lie.
But something I can say is
I'm here for you and I love you
Always and forever.
Your brother, although he is gone from the Earth
Is always in our hearts.
Poem About Friend Losing A Brother
You Broke Apart
Published by Family Friend Poems October 2010 with permission of the Author.