Music Poem

We all know the saying, "Where words fail, music speaks," from the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Right? Well, I turned it into a poem about my life and what I am going through, and possibly others can relate. Please comment.

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This is an amazing poem, very relatable and touching. It is speaking to me in a very special way that it creates an intense relieving feeling. It's like the writer knows what I'm feeling or...

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Where Words Fail, Music Speaks


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Where words fail,
music speaks.
It speaks of the pain,
of the sorrow,
of the lost,
of the life we live.
It shares emotions.
It's a way to connect,
to understand
what others feel.
Where words fail,
music speaks.
It tells the truth
whether you want it to or not.
Music shares the souls
of those we're around,
of those in the world
that we're living.
I wish to share
my music with you
So you can understand
the pain I feel,
so I can share my soul with you,
so you can understand
What I'm going through.


  • Stories 6
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  • Rating 4.37
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Unathi M. Sithole by Unathi M. Sithole
  • 7 years ago

This is an amazing poem, very relatable and touching. It is speaking to me in a very special way that it creates an intense relieving feeling. It's like the writer knows what I'm feeling or going through. Thank you.

  • Sariah by Sariah, California
  • 10 years ago

I feel like music is my expression of myself, and a way that I can escape. I always find myself on the keyboard when I'm at an emotional part of life, and composing a song is a way that I can get it out. This poem says it better than I can. It's nice to see that there are other people that see music the way I do.

  • Kae Smith by Kae Smith, Maryland
  • 10 years ago

Ok so in my school, my principal decided to decrease our music program so the students can only take chorus, band, or orchestra for half of the year. Now I got the privilege/chore of writing and performing a song for the whole school. Fun. I could not find ANY inspiration for my song so I googled some poems. This poem was by far my favorite. I was wondering if I could use some of your poem in my song? Thank you so much for your time! You are a great writer.

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 10 years ago

When I was in fifth grade I was molested three times by my neighbor and I am a teenager now who will never forget what happened to me. Just recently I told my principal and my school councilor why I have cuts all over my arms. then they told DCFS and I am going through so many things in my life. My best friend also went through so many things and I have given up cutting because of her and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend's name in Robert and he is like a brother that I have never had.

  • Mini by Mini
  • 12 years ago

This is beautiful. I shared this poem (including the name Lucy Rudman) for an "evolution of Music" assembly at my school. Thank you for publishing this poem. May God bless your day.

  • And by And
  • 12 years ago

You're right. Music speaks to the soul and expresses real emotion. Not many understand but at least somebody gets it.

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