Hurting Poem by Teens

I dedicate this poem to those who have waited for their father to come home and were let down each time.

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I was 3 or 4 when my daddy left me. Just my mommy by my side. I wondered why he left me. My mommy said I may never know. As I got older I found out more things. I still ask myself why he left...

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Waiting For My Daddy

© more by Sarah R.Ramsey

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

I sat there and waited
Never left the porch
But you never showed
It's like you burned my heart with a torch
I was depressed
I wasn't very happy
I didn't hop and dance
Like I did when I called you Daddy
I don't anymore because you stopped being one to me
You stopped calling
And I started bawling out tears
When I finally went inside
I went on my bed and cried
Every day I waited for you to knock on the door
For you to come back home
And when you finally did...
I didn't love you anymore
You waited too long
So I don't trust you anymore
You look at me furiously
But why should I trust you
Because when I did...
You lied.


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  • Madilynn Zimmerman by Madilynn Zimmerman, SD
  • 12 years ago

I was 3 or 4 when my daddy left me. Just my mommy by my side. I wondered why he left me. My mommy said I may never know. As I got older I found out more things. I still ask myself why he left me. I may never know. You never call me. You never write to me. I wish you would come and tell me why. Why you left me. Why you never call. Why you never write to me saying you are sorry. I wish you would come home and tell me you still love me. I guess I will never know.

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