Twin Poem

Celebrating Birthday Of Twins

I'm a wife and a mother of three. Nearly a year and a half ago we got the surprise of our lives--I was expecting twins! We were scared at first and struggled to make sense of what having twins would mean for our family. We'd just moved to a new state, we had no family nearby and our son loved being an only child. This poem reflects on the past year as we've adjusted to our growing family, and it celebrates how much we love and cherish our newest additions.

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I'm 28 years old and I had my first child when I was just 20 and now I'm having Twins that were unexpected news when the tech told me I ask her three times and she says yes I couldn't believe...

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Today Our Twins Turn One!


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

"It's twins!" the tech told me, giving me quite a fright.
"Are you sure?!?" I had asked, wondering if I'd heard right.
But sure enough, there you were, up there on the screen
And I tried to make sense of what it all would mean.

Double the feedings, double the tears,
Double the changings and double the fears.
Just how would I nurse you both at the same time?
And how would I choose who to hold if you're both crying?

How much would you cost this already strapped family?
Diapers, food, college... just the idea was overwhelming.
And how would I care for my other dear son,
When I've only two arms with which to hold everyone?

The future seemed scary or daunting at least.
My mind raced with questions, my heart skipped some beats.
But then I remembered that you were both formed in love
That you were two miracles, gifts sent from above.

How could I be worried, what gave me the right?
We would figure it out, what seemed dark would become light.
And soon enough the time came, after nine very long months
Two bundles of joy were delivered to us at once.

We counted your fingers, we counted your toes,
They totaled twenty on top and twenty below.
You were both the most perfect little angels we'd seen.
And we couldn't believe just how lucky we'd been.

Now a year has flown by, where does the time go?
It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home!
You couldn't be more different even though you are twins.
Though you both love to laugh and discover new things.

You're both funny and sweet, you are happy and smiley.
And we all feel so lucky that you're part of our family.
Some might say "double trouble" but we say "double fun!"
As we celebrate today, our two babies turn ONE!

Happy Birthday to my sweetest little angels.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Marcy by Marcy
  • 11 years ago

I'm 28 years old and I had my first child when I was just 20 and now I'm having Twins that were unexpected news when the tech told me I ask her three times and she says yes I couldn't believe till I see them on the screen.
And now I'm happy to have twins but the father not so much and he walks away from us he think I cheat on him because in his family no twins. And I found out last week he was cheating on me.
Just Pray to god and take it one day at a time and pry to have health Babies.

  • Faiza. Leeds by Faiza. Leeds
  • 12 years ago

Fantastic poem. I'm a Mum of 3, 4 year old boy & twin girls 8 months. This poem says it all. Its fantastic. Gosh it was so very scary to hear we were having twins. What would we do? How would we cope? What about my beautiful boy, he'd had me all to himself & we'd had so much fun. Deep down I knew we'd be ok, you always manage. But I was so afraid. Our babies were born a month early, one of my girls had stopped growing. We spent a month in special care with one & one at home. It was difficult but we did it. 8 months later my beautiful girls are teething, rolling, eating, laughing & babbling away. They make me smile & make me laugh. They truly are a blessing they bring us so much joy. And my little boy, he is so wonderful he loves them so very much. He's amazing. Our family is complete. We are so very very lucky. Thank you for your wonderful poem

  • Kandi by Kandi
  • 13 years ago

This was hard for me I lost my twins Daultin Wayne April 25th Dilion Lee the 26th if they would have made it they would be going on one in April. I just wish I could have had this time with them I find my self torn between my other kids Debrie 11 and Devon 8. I spent Christmas morning with them and then I ran away to be with the boys at the grave yard I find myself torn between my family and my baby's. I feel like I'm going through this alone. I can't get my kids to go with me to the grave I can't get their father to go it is just so hard. I feel like I let my family down by going there all the time it seems like a big day in our lives is a big day of their lives I will never be a part of.

  • Max by Max, Halfax
  • 13 years ago

This was hard for me to read but made me think about my twin brother Zack and all the time we had together. Hoped he could of read this too but he's dead for 7 years on Dec. 12 2011. So thank you.

  • Chicago by Chicago
  • 13 years ago

Just wanted to say great poem I'm a mother of 3 year son and twin girls and this is how I felt every word to this day. Thank you so much I could not have said how I felt any better. Girls 1st birthday is tomorrow Nov 12th thanks again.

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