Breaking Up Poem

Trying To Make Sense Of A Broken Heart

I was deeply in love with a guy I was with, and one day I woke up to him dumping me. It was unexpected and was by far the most painful breakup I've experienced. He didn't give me a genuine reason why and just said it was for the best, so I've been trying to make sense of it all.

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Age. Family. Work... could play a huge part. Or he might be married. Men can be master deceivers.

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To The Unforgettable

Lily Rae © more by Lily Rae

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2019 with permission of the Author.

I know we'll never be the same.
Behind my love,
I'm filled with shame.

In my head it's become so loud.
These intruding thoughts
Have begun to crowd.

What did I do wrong?
Just give me a reason.
Don't lead me along.

I try to make sense of it,
But you were my only hope.
Now I have not a bit.

I try to remember our brighter days.
I don't want to associate you
With the sadness that remains.

When I felt as whole as half,
You knew how to turn any cry
Into a laugh.

But now you're not here.
I'm so confused.
Why is this so unclear?

In my dreams we're okay again and you still love me,
But alas those are just dreams
Because I know that will never be.

Missing you hurts enough to kill.
I know you don't care,
And somehow I love you still.


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  • Broken2pieces by Broken2pieces
  • 6 years ago

Age. Family. Work... could play a huge part. Or he might be married. Men can be master deceivers.

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