Brother Poem

An older sister writes a letter of love to her younger brother. She tells him how proud she is of him and shares some of life's' lessons.

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My dear twin brother (who lived 85 miles from me) and I had planned to meet on the weekend for lunch. The Wednesday night before we were to meet I called just to tell him how much I was...

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To My Brother With Love


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

We've grown slowly apart,
But you've always been in my heart.
From a distance I watched you grow,
Wondering about the man I'd get to know.
Who you could become,
Who that could be I fathom.
Good choices you've made all together,
I'm so glad you didn't pay attention lil' brother.
So many things going on around you,
I'm so thankful it didn't drag you in too.
When put to the test,
You were meant to out-shine the rest.
You have an important role here on earth,
It was given to you before your day of birth.
Walk with your head held high,
Don't worry, everyone will learn why.
You have the gift, please use it wisely.
Not like a birthday gift, not a surprise.
It's in your heart, soul, and your mind.
Some people find it, some get left behind.
You have found it, I'm so proud.
Hold on to it, losing it is not allowed.
I know you'll be fine, this I don't worry.
Even though you have it, don't grow up in a hurry.
You're going to be somebody, this I already know.
But there's a lot to learn, what you have will help you grow.
Keep your eyes open; don't let anything pass you by.
You're great and growing greater, all you have to do is try.
I've loved you from day one.
I hope I can pass your gift to my son.
He could be just like you, I wouldn't mind.
A man like you is of a greater kind.
Off into the world you go,
You'll be great, this everyone knows!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zaneta McGhee by Zaneta McGhee
  • 11 years ago

Last Thursday night the 9th of January my Brother called me. We had a good conversation, we plan to meet in the morning the 10th of January. I went to the house and I knock and knock. I called and called finally I got in I found my Brother dead he died in his sleep. It hurt me so bad I still can't believe it. This poem really touched me. Rest in peace my Brother

  • Caleb Jones by Caleb Jones
  • 6 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss, I have a twin brother, and I would be devastated if he were to pass. May God bless you and your family. I'll be praying for you.

  • Bonnie Trueblood by Bonnie Trueblood
  • 8 years ago

My dear twin brother (who lived 85 miles from me) and I had planned to meet on the weekend for lunch. The Wednesday night before we were to meet I called just to tell him how much I was looking forward to being with him and giving him a big hug. I called several times, still no answer. I felt like something was wrong and called his son to go check on him. He tried to reach him and said he probably fell asleep on the couch and had taken his hearing aid out. I finally fell asleep on the couch and awoke with such a start, sat right up, and felt such an awful feeling of something terrible had happened.. I called his son to please go check on his Dad. He did go and found him dead on his couch. I still can't believe my dear brother is gone. He and I were so close and had special silly little names for each other that we had since childhood. I miss him so much, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I know in my heart he died the moment I awoke with that awful feeling of doom.

  • R.M.A by R.M.A
  • 11 years ago

The poem evokes memories of my family.. I feel like I'm gonna explode :( I really miss them

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

My baby brother is leaving for basic training in 3 weeks. It's killing me that he's leaving. We have gotten so close the last couple years. He's my hero and always will be. I don't know how to deal with him leaving. He has never been away from home. I don't know how he will handle it but I hope he will be ok. I love you Nick. This poem touched my heart so deeply. Thank you for sharing it.

  • Kizmel by Kizmel, Thomaston GA
  • 14 years ago

My brother will be leaving for Houston on July 12 for one week and then will be working overseas for the next year. So, this poem brought out feelings I never really knew existed. This is his first time going out into the real world by himself. I love him and will miss him. What's so ironic is his name is Jeremi too.

  • Yashontra by Yashontra, Cleveland Ohio
  • 15 years ago

This poem really has touched me strongly my little brother passed away February 17th 2010 and this poem explains him all the way. He was only 17 years old and just had a son that was born on his birthday so this poem was very very touching of the heart

  • Sadie Naples by Sadie Naples, Florida
  • 15 years ago

Tomorrow my brother will be leaving to Texas for basic training as a member of the United States Air Force. We have been through so much together. A father abandoning us, an alcoholic as a mother. Through those hard times we were there for each other and knew we were not alone because of it. This poem touched my heart because it is EXACTLY what I wish I could say to my brother. I myself have a two year old son, and I hope that he grows to be as admirable as his Uncle. I pray for the girl who wrote this poem and for the brother she wrote it for, and I pray for my brother who will be starting an amazing new chapter in his life!

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