Poem about Life Struggles

Poem About Life And Love

We were put on this planet to live and to love. Open your arms to life, and life will hug you back. This is one of my very first poems. I believe I was 12 when I wrote this poem!

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A BLINK of the eye, time flies by, as tomorrow turns into the past. Focusing on the minute only to get caught up in the moment. Working towards prudent goals leads you in the right direction....

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To Live And To Love

© more by Elizabeth McCrorie

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

We were put on this planet
To live and to love.
To cherish the ones in our lives
And never let them get hurt.
Safety is a priority,
But danger is an outcome.
Why is it that we work so very hard
For something that will still happen
In the end?
Should we care about our lives
Or sit and waste it away?
"It doesn't matter, we're all going to
die someday!"
These words fill our heads
With sad confusion. There's no end.
We get lost with the love
We want to have.
There is no conclusion to all
This pain.
But an answer that comes
Just the same.
The negative side seems to win,
But the positive side seems to
We are who we choose to be,
So be careful who you choose.
Love everyday like there is no
And give to others the joy of life
So no one will hurt.
Love, and love will love you back.
Open your arms to life,
And life will hug you back!
Don't be scared!
Life is still a one time thing!


more by Elizabeth McCrorie

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Victoria Waithera by Victoria Waithera
  • 4 years ago

My life has never been awesome since I fell in love. Love changed me into a monster, but after reading the poem, I felt so relieved though I'm depressed.

  • Ryan Simpson by Ryan Simpson
  • 5 years ago

A BLINK of the eye, time flies by, as tomorrow turns into the past. Focusing on the minute only to get caught up in the moment. Working towards prudent goals leads you in the right direction. Keeping your future in mind keeps you focused one day at a time as each day moves on to the next. Every accomplishment starts as a task. Managing responsibilities is accomplishing made to look easy. No hurdle to high that can't be overcome through dedication. Consistency is equity that builds respect. Measured by the character one gains through perseverance. Never have to look back if you live each day to the fullest. No regrets means to learn from every life lesson in the past.

  • Colibri Castaneda by Colibri Castaneda
  • 12 years ago

Love this poem, my life has not been normal since the age of 4. It really touched my heart & put a smile on my face.
Thank you.

  • Talula Price by Talula Price
  • 16 years ago

Wow this poem is really good, its very touching. I'm an adopted child and have never met my real family so I'm very touched to read this story thank you

Love Talula Price

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