Pregnancy Poem

Poem About The Emotions Felt During Pregnancy

An expectant mother is nervous and excited and prays that God give her strength to face the challenges ahead.

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This is me exactly! except I've still got 6 more months to go. So excited though and my boyfriend will help me the whole way through it all, and god especially. 18 and pregnant, never thought...

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Three Months Left


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Never thought this would happen to me,
Never thought I'd be 18 and pregnant.
Never thought I was invincible,
Just never thought it would be me.

But now it is true,
3 more months and we'll have a little one.
So many emotions I have,
So hard it is to express them.

Want to scream and cry,
Want to run and hide.
Want to wake up
And it be just a dream.

But it's not,
And soon we will have a life to care for.
A life to support and provide the best for.
So scared I am that I will fail,
So afraid I am that I can't do it.

But God will give me strength,
To let me handle it.
God will give me everything I need,
To raise the miracle he blessed us with.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Deanna by Deanna
  • 12 years ago

This is me exactly! except I've still got 6 more months to go. So excited though and my boyfriend will help me the whole way through it all, and god especially. 18 and pregnant, never thought it would be me but I'm ok with it and happy to have a child:) <33 Can't wait to know what it is too!

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth
  • 16 years ago

I know god is their for you to help you! And this baby you have is going to be blessed by god to. I thought I was invincible to the world, that condoms solved everything, but I used a condom and it didn't help me one bit. I am 13 and 5 months pregnant. And everyone called me a slut but my little girl is helping me through it and I know your little baby is helping you to!

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