Inspirational Poem by Teens

Poem About Not Feeling Pretty

One day I was in deep thought. I thought about how I looked and how other girls were always prettier and better. They didn't have any acne or pimples; their skin was flawless. But then I realized that it truly didn't matter. Who cares if I had one tiny pimple, it will never define me because I can only define myself and not my imperfections. Nobody is born perfect.

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These Little Imperfections


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

She looked at the mirror
And stared
Until she found the tiniest blemish,
Until she found a strand of hair sticking out,
Until she found herself ugly...

But little did she know
That the little imperfections
Made her different,
The blemishes added to her beauty.

She didn't know someone out there
Found it attractive,
Someone out there liked it
And couldn't imagine her without it.

It was a part of her
And always will be.
She needs to embrace her imperfections
And find the perfections within them.


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