Wife Poem

The Song Of My Wife

A special person is like a song in your life.

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My Song


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

If one were deaf
might he feel the sound of music
and in its vibrations
come to know the true feeling of its depth

If one were mute
might he speak to the world
through the rhythm of his dance
and the smile in his eyes

If one were blind
might he savor the colors of the rainbow
and hear their discordant sound
as they clash together in a prism of light

Standing among the flowers
can you feel the dulcet aroma of the rose
as its scent drifts upon the wind

Can you hear what I feel
smell what I see
or touch the light
that shines down upon me from the night

Have you, as I, been lucky enough
to feel the harmonious touch
of another soul that loves you more than life
or taste the sweet perfection of that person's embrace

Her sweet scent has brought light into my world
and her tender caresses have filled my heart with song

Within my eyes I hold her
and her gentle voice touches my heart
in her arms I have known laughter
with her smile I know peace

She is my life
My wife
My song


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