Confused about Love Poem

I wrote this poem for the guy I was dating. When he would do something I didn't like, I would try to talk to him but I couldn't. He would give me this look that would make me fall for him all over again. So I wrote this poem...

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In my opinion, this is a peek into someone's soul, into their personal internal battle. And it's an amazing creation!

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The Rest Is Up To You

© more by Sabrina

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

I don't know how to explain without writing,
So here I am with all words rhyming.

I usually run from what I feel,
But it has never felt this real.
We started off strong,
But I guess we were wrong.

See why I am afraid of commitment?
I gave it my all, my limit.
I gave my heart for you to hold.
It once was warm but now made cold.

If only you could search my soul.
And for once listen to the story being told.
We don't talk for days on end.
And when we finally see each other,
You don't even act like my friend,
Never mind my lover.

If you don't want to be with me,
Just tell me and let me be.
This is emotional torture.
If you don't love me, just end it.
Don't hurt me anymore, say that's it.

I meant it when I said I love you.
I honestly thought you did too.
What happened to our spark?
The flames grew tall, they lit my path.
But now I feel left alone in the dark.

Every night I lie awake
Thinking of the steps we once did take.
Going over my every move,
Wondering what I did wrong, what I can improve.
Tears stream down my cheek,
For my every move I feel critiqued.

I still love you, don't get me wrong.
But this feeling makes me weak, no longer strong.
I'm down on my knees begging, pleading.
My heart can't take much more bleeding.
Let me know how you feel,
Whether or not your love is real.

I just don't understand.
One day you stand tall and hold my hand,
But the next I'm left with the feeling of blue
Without a heads up or even a clue.
It's like I am on an emotional roller coaster
With all these ups, downs,
And turn arounds.

I love you is just three little words,
But I can't even describe the meaning they hold.
You have opened my eyes
And showed me a new life.
Even though I am young, I started questioning my being.
But when I met you, I once again started believing.
You have helped me more than you know.
And one day that story will be told.

I'm not a girl who wants material things.
I don't want flowers or fancy rings.
I am a giver, not a taker.
Just like I am a listener, not a talker.
There are a few things that I wish for.
Keep on reading if you want to know more.

I want to be the person you confide in.
The person who wipes the tears and creates a grin.
I want to be the one you call
When you're not sure if you can stand tall.
I want to be there for you no matter what happens.
For you, I'm always just around the bend.
I might not be able to give advice,
But I promise you I will try to be concise.
But most of all I want you to be happy,
Especially with me.

I'm sorry if this made you upset,
But I had to get it off my chest.
Now you know exactly how I feel.
You hold the cards, and it's time to deal.
Every word I said is true.
Now the rest is up to you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kieshell by Kieshell
  • 6 years ago

This is something I am going through right now.

  • Stefienache by Stefienache, Valea Ursului, Romania
  • 6 years ago

In my opinion, this is a peek into someone's soul, into their personal internal battle. And it's an amazing creation!

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