Short Love Poem

Finding True Love

My heart has been broken many times, and I know it has happened to others. This poem was written to give others inspiration to move on and keep trying to find the one.

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Hello! I'm Lavi. Like most, I have had strong feelings for several guys in my life. Every time it would end with sadness and heartbreak. I had given up on love and started thinking it was...

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The Patience Of A Heart


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2017 with permission of the Author.

Love takes time.
It takes patience
to find the one,
to find him,
to find forever.
The heart may get broken,
but never give up.
The patience of a heart
is so beautiful.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lavi by Lavi
  • 2 years ago

Hello! I'm Lavi. Like most, I have had strong feelings for several guys in my life. Every time it would end with sadness and heartbreak. I had given up on love and started thinking it was just something from fantasy books or movies. Then I learned the difference between liking someone and loving someone. When you like someone, the warm feelings and butterflies may feel nice, but it will end.
True love is infinite. True love will hurt. When God sent his son Jesus to this world, Jesus knew that he would have to be tortured on that cross, and yet he went through with it because he loved us that much. We are saved by His blood.
I know now that crushes are useless, haha, and moreover that I don't need the love of a man when I have the true love of Christ. If one day God gives me a husband, I will be thankful, but this world is not my home.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in his will not perish but have eternal life.

  • Robert Schaefer by Robert Schaefer
  • 4 months ago

Hello Lavi,

I was taken by your faith in Jesus. I too know that our true love is Jesus Christ for his shed blood for our sins.

I had lost my beautiful wife of 40 years and was mourning her so. But through my faith in God I knew I needed to move forward with my life. Jesus wanted me too and I know my wife would want me too. Being lonely and depressed I prayed fervently for God to lead me to and to lead a special Godly woman to me if it was His will. If not, I was accepting of His plan for my life. God has blessed us with HIS love and grace as that special woman has entered my life after a long season of patience and prayer. So keep praying and have faith in God, as I believe there is someone out there for you. God does not want us to walk alone in this life on our journey to eternity.

I loved your poem. God bless you!


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