Christmas Poem

I found a very special old Christmas card in a box of stuff while packing to move. I stopped in my tracks and sat on the floor surrounded by boxes and opened cupboards. The card was from my beautiful Mum. She'd passed away three short years before. I was struck by the sheer beauty of the words. The card written by her shaky hand. I've still got that card and will always treasure it.

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Excellent. I lost my father 4 years ago, and ever since, I have been saving Christmas Cards given to me by my mother. At age 85, there is no guarantee she will be here this or next Christmas....

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The Old Christmas Card

Raelene J. Elliss © more by Raelene J. Elliss

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2020 with permission of the Author.

I found a little Christmas card.
‘Twas in a box of stuff.
I opened it and read it.
Its verse was written thus.

"Season's greetings and salutations.
Best wishes and all the best.
Happy New Year and live long,
And may you be God blessed."

There was something written
Below this little verse.
It was written in your writing,
Just like we would converse.

I felt the love in those words
Written by your shaky hand.
Tears filled my eyes,
As you can understand.

I love that little Christmas card.
My heart strings are all a strum.
That little card means so much
Because it's signed, "Love, Mum."

Interview with Top Poet Raelene J. Elliss

  • What makes this touching poem one of your favorites?
    “The Old Christmas Card” is so special because it came to light at a poignant moment in time. My mum had passed away about 18 months prior to our moving house. I was going through the cupboards, supposedly packing to move. I came across a box of stuff and found a Christmas card from Mum. I sat on the floor amongst the boxes and open cupboard doors and read the little card. The poem came later, inspired by this moment. Reading Mum’s card was like having her there with me, giving me a hug.
  • What is a favorite memory you have of your mom?
    My favourite Mum memory was when she stood brightly at her 80th birthday celebration, the same year she beat cancer (2004). Mum looked like an angel with her hair grown back and all dressed up in a new outfit. She fought so very bravely. Christmas 2005 we said goodbye.
  • You write a lot about faith. How does faith influence your writing and the way you live?
    Faith writes my poetry. It draws me to His word. It reminds me every day that God is with me, loving me, and guiding me every step of the way. Nursing COVID patients has tested me in faith, and somewhere in the distress and anxiety makes your walk with Him even more assured. Praying for my patients has become even more important than a throwaway line.
  • What is your favorite experience that has resulted from being published on Family Friend Poems?
    My favourite experience is the big surprise to see “The Old Christmas Card” become published. It was on the page for a while and sort of gone to the back stalls. I’m tickled pink that it touched someone somewhere in the world and they responded.

    Saving up old cards, written by our elderly relatives is so important. It’s like having a hug from them when you read the card. I found another from Mum from my 25th birthday (34 years ago now). “Love Mum” brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

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  • Mark Casey by Mark Casey
  • 4 years ago

Excellent. I lost my father 4 years ago, and ever since, I have been saving Christmas Cards given to me by my mother. At age 85, there is no guarantee she will be here this or next Christmas. I saved the cards because I will display them each Christmas after she is gone. Thank you.

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