Christmas Poem

A Christmas Story For Children

Hello everyone. I was raised in Wisconsin among many cold winters and driven to writing by two great, wonderful parents whose imagination left all of their children wide-eyed with excitement during the holidays. I was told by my father that the pines talk when the wind blows....and if you can hear them. I hope this story will leave your family with an adventure into the woods to hear the pines talking.

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This poem touched my heart and the story of your beautiful parents behind it... I have only come across it searching online. I will most certainly be reading up on all your other inspiring...

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The Littlest Christmas Tree

© more by Amy Peterson

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

The littlest Christmas tree
lived in a meadow of green
among a family
of tall evergreens.
He learned how to whisper
the evergreen song
with the slightest of wind
that came gently along.

He watched as the birds
made a home out of twigs
and couldn't wait till
he, too, was big.
For all of the trees
offered a home,
the maple, the pine, and the oak,
who's so strong.

"I hate being little,"
the little tree said,
"I can't even turn colors
like the maple turns red.
I can't help the animals
like the mighty old oak.
He shelters them all
in his wide mighty cloak."

The older tree said,
"Why, little tree, you don't know?
The story of a mighty king
from the land with no snow?"
Little tree questioned,
"A land with no snow?"
"Yes!" said old tree,
"A very old story,
from so long ago."

"A star appeared,
giving great light
over a manger
on long winter's night.
A baby was born,
a king of all kings,
and with him comes love
over all things."

"He lived in a country
all covered in sand,
and laid down his life
to save all of man."

Little tree thought of the gift
given by him,
then the big tree said with the
happiest grin,
"We're not just trees,
but a reminder of that day.
There's a much bigger part
of a role that we play!"

"For on Christmas Eve,
my life I'll lay down,
in exchange for a happier,
loving ground.
And as I stand dying,
they'll adorn me in trim.
This all will be done
in memory of him."

"Among a warm fire,
with family and friends,
in the sweet songs of Christmas,
I'll find my great end.
Then ever so gently,
He'll come down to see
and take me to heaven,
Jesus and me."

"So you see, little tree,
we are not like the oak
who shelters all things
beneath his great cloak.
Nor are we like the maple
in fall,
whose colors leave many
standing in awe."

"The gift that we give
is ourselves, limb for limb,
the greatest of honor,
in memory of him."

The little tree bowed
his head down and cried
and thought of the king
who willingly died.
For what kind of gift
can anyone give
than to lay down your life
when you wanted to live?

A swelling of pride
came over the tree.
Can all of this happen
Because of just me?
Can I really bring honor?
By adorning a home?
By reminding mankind
that he's never alone?

With this thought, little tree
began singing with glee.
Happy and proud
to be a true Christmas tree.

You can still hear them singing
even the smallest in height,
singing of Christmas
and that one holy night.


more by Amy Peterson

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Christine Morrison by Christine Morrison
  • 4 months ago

The poem, "The Littlest Christmas Tree," brought tears to my eyes. The part where the tree gives his life like the King of Kings, touched my heart deeply. When I think of all the Christmas trees giving their lives for us to have a happy Christmas, I ask myself if it's worth it? My answer is, "Yes!" It definitely is worth it to see my family look at the beautifully decorated tree!
The precious memories of Childhood include the awesome Christmas tree. As a child we had lights that bubbled with tiny bubbles. I remember falling asleep looking at our Christmas tree. Thank you so much, Amy Peterson!

  • Patricia  Mackay by Patricia Mackay
  • 5 years ago

This poem touched my heart and the story of your beautiful parents behind it... I have only come across it searching online. I will most certainly be reading up on all your other inspiring poems. You are richly blessed to produce work like this and to share with everyone.

Simply beautiful. A lovely way to share the truth of Christmas. I also pen a Christmas poem and share it in a homemade card to family and friends. This is inspiring.

  • Boardflak by Boardflak
  • 5 years ago

This is a good way of introducing the story of Christmas to children. The verses explain what Christmas is about and links it to Christmas trees as well.

  • Abhijit  A. Das by Abhijit A. Das
  • 7 years ago

Christmas is the time of joy, happiness, laughter of children and adults, cakes, Christmas trees, stories and POEMS.

  • Daniela by Daniela
  • 12 years ago

I loved it! I have never heard such a wonderful story! Christmas tree is my fav. Thanks for inspiring me.

I have read many poems and have submitted my own, But this one by far is my most favorite that I have read, I would love to copy it and put it in a nice frame to have every Christmas for years to come. I will share with the children in my church come Christmas.

  • Jessica Carter by Jessica Carter
  • 15 years ago

This is a wonderful poem!! What a great way to share the story of a Christmas Tree with children....could you just see the illustrations. I could picture it as I was reading the poem. I think this should be made into a wonderful Christmas story to share with your children.

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