Love Poem by Teens

The main story of this poem is I usually hear boys and men always talk about how they're not "soft" and obsessed or in love or something. I just think it's stupid how people can deny if they are actually in love. Even girls deny it, especially around my age (I am fourteen). I believe it is just pathetic how people could deny it, so I have written this poem to express my frustration as well as disappointment to today's society.

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True, true, TRUE! People sure deny it now days. Kind of annoying. I liked this poem a lot. It was pretty true... :) I believe anyone can love. If they are saying that they don't, then I...

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The Honour Of Love

© more by Matthew Flood

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

People find shame in it,
They deny it,
They spit on it,
They step all over it,

But in my eyes,
To be obsessed,
Is to be in love,
How can a man deny such an honor?

For most do not love,
They might care,
They might adore,
But they will never know true love,
Except for the lucky few who do,

To be in love with someone,
Is not to call them your soul mate,
Or one and only,

It is to be obsessed with only one,
And not ever change or falter,
For to be obsessed is to be an honor,
The honor of love...


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  • Kinsvia by Kinsvia
  • 12 years ago

True, true, TRUE! People sure deny it now days. Kind of annoying. I liked this poem a lot. It was pretty true... :) I believe anyone can love. If they are saying that they don't, then I believe they haven't found the right person yet....

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