Rhyming Poem

Poem About A Glass Eye With A Life Of Its Own

Hi, I am a mother, grandmother, and foster mother. I love writing amusing poetry to entertain my family and friends. This particular poem is based upon an old friend whose glass eye would regularly fall out or turn back to front at the most inconvenient times. Luckily she had a good sense of humour!

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The Glass Eye


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

The joke was very funny
She laughed a lot of tears
When suddenly her eye fell out
And landed in her beer

She fished around
with her pudding spoon
But it just stared back
Through the beery gloom

She tried again
with her fountain pen
but she only saw it
Now and then

What to do
She tried to decide
Pondered and pondered
Sighed and sighed

In a fit of madness
She downed her drink
Swallowed her eye
With not even a blink

She rang her doctor
In a fit of remorse
Who simply advised her
"Let nature take its course"

I believe she's still waiting
It's playing hide and seek
So she's had to buy another eye
To see her through the week


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