Growing Up Poem by Teens

Unexpected Pregnancy Poem

This poem is for everyone who knows that everything happens for a reason. And for everyone who has a child and knows that the love for your child compares to nothing (even if the child wasn't planned or it wasn't under the best of circumstances).

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I also was a silly girl in love with a stupid boy that lead me to become a single teenage mother. I prayed everyday for 9 months for god to bless me with a baby boy. My mother walked out of...

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The Fate Of A Single Mother

© more by Jamie Mckenzie Lee

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2009 with permission of the Author.

A silly girl
Loved a stupid boy
He was her everything
She was just his toy
He played with her emotions
Put mixed feelings in her head
For that stupid boy
A million tears that girl had shed
His friends would laugh
In his fun they would share
They knew he was a player
While she thought they were the perfect pair
Then came that horror
She was two weeks late
So she took the test
Could this possibly be fate?
She told that boy
The news she had found out
That was when she discovered
What he was all about
He showed his true colors
And crushed her pride
Left her all alone
For someone he had on the side
Born to her
Was a perfect son
This war she was fighting
The new mother had won
The prize was hers
To keep for a lifetime
A baby boy
Born to shine


more by Jamie Mckenzie Lee

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Regina by Regina, San Pedro California
  • 14 years ago

I also was a silly girl in love with a stupid boy that lead me to become a single teenage mother. I prayed everyday for 9 months for god to bless me with a baby boy. My mother walked out of my life when I was 10 years old and I was terrified that I would repeat the cycle. My father, the best father in the world has been here for me and my son. When my son was 10 years old I failed to break the cycle and walked out of my sons life. My father took my son in and raised him. I never stopped loving my son not for a minute and I don't regret leaving him for I was a very confused, angry, depressed and unstable young mother. That was 13 years. ago. now, a much older me and a much older son, with the help of my father (who never gave up on me) my son doesn't hate me and so far we are living happily ever after. thank you god.

  • Anne by Anne
  • 15 years ago

While reading this poem I was truely touched. To say I experienced the same exact thing would be an understatement. Not only do I have a beautiful baby boy, I had lost another baby in a previous pregnancy by the same man. What I experienced made me realize a lot of things in life. While I can't say I'm glad other people went through the similar situations, it is good to know that I am not alone. I used to cry everyday for my son and I wondering why he didn't want to be in our lives. Not only was I a single-teenage parent, I was a teenage-parent of a disabled child. My son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at 7 and 1/2 months old. His father is missing out on the biggest blessing God bestowed upon us. My son is the BEST thing that could have ever happened to me and I don't regret any moment of the whole experience. God gave me Deontae because he knew I could take care of him, he truly is a blessing in disguise.

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