Poem about Sadness

As a poet, I’ve grown used to embracing pain; to treating it as the fuel I need to create. These days I hold sadness to my chest like it’s another organ, something I’m terrified to be without. This doesn’t mean I’m always depressed or continually sad, but it does mean that I’ve learned to rely on pain I’ve already experienced. Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve begun to seek it out, to find new ways to shatter this thing behind my ribs.

Live this way long enough and, eventually, the heartbreak begins to feel comforting; like an old friend. If I’m honest, i can’t help thinking it’s the only thing I can rely on not to leave. It’s the closest thing I have to home.

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The Comfort Of Pain

© more by Blake Auden

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2021 with permission of the Author.

Live with it
long enough
and pain begins
to feel familiar,

even comforting.

I guess when
it’s the only constant
even heartbreak
can find a way

to feel like home.


Blake Auden is a poet and lyricist based in Brighton, UK. His debut book Tell the Birds She’s Gone is now on its third print run, and his second collection, Beekeeper, was released in September 2020.


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