Stress is eating at me every minute and second of the day.
How do I cope with the horrible effects and make it go away?
I feel so tired and run down and I don't sleep.
I lie in bed at night and wonder why it runs so deep.
Everyone asks why do you look so sad.
Do I tell them that my stress is eating me up and that I feel really bad?
Does everyone notice how I walk around in a daze,
and that I have deep black bags under my eyes nowadays?
I wake up every morning feeling so hopeless,
like nothing ever goes right and wondering why my life has to be such a mess.
Stress is my one worst enemy.
It's taken over my mind and my whole life in every single degree.
Hi everyone! My name is Tanya Joshi and I live in Almora, Uttrakhand. I am in class 11 and I am much obliged with the fact that stress effects life. However, to some extent I think it can be...
Stress Affects Life
Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.