Mother Daughter Poem

A Poem Reflecting On A Mother's Patience And Guidance

I made this poem for my mama. It's Mother's Day, and I want to thank her for being a great mother to us. I am so thankful for everything she has done for us. For the great love and for being our best friend all through the years. I really love her so much.

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Thank You, Mama

© more by Rinalene

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2016 with permission of the Author.

I came to this world nothing.
I thank you, Mama, for taking care of me.
I am so weak and can't stand alone.
Thank you, Mama, for helping me stand on my own.

Oftentimes I am stubborn.
Thank you, Mama, for making me a good person.
I seldom followed your advice.
Thank you, Mama, for your great patience and reminders.

I always stumble and fall.
Thank you, Mama, for believing me despite it all.
When I'm so down and almost ready to give up,
Thank you, Mama, for you're always there reaching out your hands.

Even now I know you're there for me.
Thank you, Mama, for that unbounded love always.
Even now I always disappoint you.
Thank you, Mama, for understanding me so.

With all the sacrifices you have made,
Thank you, Mama, for I never heard you complaining.
You chose to live in this world,
Shared your big heart and even helped us heal our wounds.

What a great mother you are to us,
Willing to give up everything just for us.
You're truly a hero for us,
A great mother, and we're lucky for that.

Today is your day, and I made this poem for you.
I know this is not enough to say how much I love you.
Never will I be ashamed to shout my love for you,
And that will stand even till my life is through.


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