Thank You Friend Poem

Thank You For Being My Friend

I took the time to write this poem to appreciate my friends and how wonderful it is to have them because without friends it's hard. I like to give my friends reasons to stay, so remember to appreciate the ones you love because once they are gone you probably won't get them back so easily.

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2010 with permission of the Author.

you have been my friend for a very long time
I asked you to bend and you made a rhyme
when I needed you, you were always there
when I was in tears, you would say it's not fair
but somehow, in some way
you made me feel better
and I had to thank you one day
so here it goes
it can't be that hard
I'm saying thank you for writing me cards
for my broken hearts you have helped mend
and for being someone on whom I can depend
I wanted to say thank you
for being my friend


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