Famous Love Poem

Sir George Etherege, from England, lived from 1635-1692. His main focus was writing plays, many of which were comedies. "Sylvia" is written about the subject of a beautiful woman who makes people believe in love, but the narrator will not allow others to love her, for she is his.

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This poem touched my heart so deeply I can't even explain. It has left me at a loss for words. There is no greater poem than one that will touch you so deeply that it leaves you speechless....

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Famous Poem


George Etherege By more George Etherege

The Nymph that undoes me, is fair and unkind;
No less than a wonder by Nature designed.
She's the grief of my heart, the joy of my eye;
And the cause of a flame that never can die!

Her mouth, from whence wit still obligingly flows,
Has the beautiful blush, and the smell, of the rose.
Love and Destiny both attend on her will;
She wounds with a look; with a frown, she can kill!

The desperate Lover can hope no redress;
Where Beauty and Rigour are both in excess!
In Sylvia they meet; so unhappy am I!
Who sees her, must love; and who loves her, must die!


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  • Felicia by Felicia, Fort Oglethorpe
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart so deeply I can't even explain. It has left me at a loss for words. There is no greater poem than one that will touch you so deeply that it leaves you speechless. And breathless, I might add.

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