STOP Suicide Poem

I wrote this poem after I got in a fight with my mom about wanting to kill myself.

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I know what it is like to think that it would stop all the pain. You feel like it's the only way, but it's not. I thought for me it was the only way. I tried so many times to do it but when I...

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Stress Is A Killer


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

Stress is feeding on me,
Sucking out my soul.
I feel my body weakening,
it refuses to let go.

I'm going kind of pale,
blood is dripping down my arm.
Tears are falling from my eyes;
a pain pierces my heart.

I'm confused
and don't know what to do.
I want to end it all,
but you don't want me to.

Living life is fine,
but stress makes it tough.
Your smile used to make me happy;
now that's not enough.

Stress is killing me,
putting me to rest.
But I'll try not to leave you,
I'll try my very best.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Chelsy Samtos by Chelsy Samtos
  • 6 years ago

I know what it is like to think that it would stop all the pain. You feel like it's the only way, but it's not. I thought for me it was the only way. I tried so many times to do it but when I got close to doing it I couldn't. My mom even caught me one time and she asked me with tears why was I doing that to myself. After I told her everything I was feeling, she comforted me. So here I am today. And thing do get better. So I am telling you that you shouldn't do that to yourself. Hope you get better soon, and I wish you luck.

  • Kelly Harrington by Kelly Harrington
  • 12 years ago

Yesterday it was official. They woke him from an induced coma. His wife asked him if he was sure he wanted it this way. As the tears in all of us began to fall, she smiled and said good-bye to her love. They reinduced the coma and pulled the plug.
This poem is so true to how I feel. I have now lost 6 people, 2 over 20 years. friends and four relatives. All of whom I was very close to.
R.I.P. I am trying to be stronger and carry on!

  • Saraa by Saraa
  • 13 years ago

Its' a nice poem. I know how it feels, I really do! But please don't think of killing yourself because that would hurt others a lot specially your mom who seems she cares. You should think about others too, and how would they feel without you. Please don't try anything anymore.. I promise you it will get better things will change for good.
I wish you the best of luck.
The world needs you! :)

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