Sonnet Poem

My name is Abigail. I'm 13 years old. I hope my age doesn't keep you from reading. This is just one of the many poems I've written. I know that at such a young age there is so much I don't know about the world. First of all, I've had to grow up much faster than anyone I know due to family circumstances. Second, that's the beauty. I don't know everything about the world. But I want to find out. This sonnet could have many meanings. What does it mean to you?

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I love this poem, and like you, I had to grow up at a young age. A sick parent, being bullied and just life in general. To me this poem expresses the inner struggles with myself; knowing that...

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Stay Or Go?


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2016 with permission of the Author.

The days go by, then a month, then a year,
and still through the days I see not a change.
No matter what happens, you still aren't here,
and how you just disappeared is what's strange.

No explanation, no warning, just gone.
I wish I had just some of your courage
to go leave one rainy morning at dawn,
to leave one day without any message.

How I long for somewhere to be renewed
or to just disappear, just not to be,
not to see, not to feel, not to hear you,
the ghost that you are, which I long to be.

But as many days that I want to go,
there are more that I want to stay and know.


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  • Rating 4.43
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trey Sobzak by Trey Sobzak
  • 5 years ago

This was beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I hope that you are still writing or creating something in some way. I would very much like to see other works of yours.

  • Donald Zegel by Donald Zegel
  • 6 years ago

It is very timely that your poem found me on this rainy evening. It expresses in clear, truthful words the feelings I've lived during the past 5 years. My son left this world in December of 2012. We had no warning. So many aspects of our love for him were left incomplete. I am thankful to you for giving my feelings a face. Also, I am encouraged by the last two lines of your sonnet. You have a gift of expressing truth in a beautiful way. Keep creating!

  • Sally Serwen by Sally Serwen
  • 7 years ago

This poem has related to me in so many ways, and I'm thirteen. Hope you continue writing such awe-inspiring poetry!

Sometimes we have to grow up before we are ready, but it is something that can make us strong as we go through life. You have said it well in your poem.

  • Candace R. Hughes by Candace R. Hughes
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem, and like you, I had to grow up at a young age. A sick parent, being bullied and just life in general. To me this poem expresses the inner struggles with myself; knowing that there are things in life I needed to do, and putting things I wanted to do to "on the back burner." It takes a selfless person to put others first in life, so kudos to you!

  • G.A.Thompson by G.A.Thompson Poet
  • 8 years ago

(Sorry, this is a little late). Wow, thank you so much. The comment means a lot to me, and I thought you deserved to know that. :)

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