Sweet Love Poem

My boyfriend, who this poem was written for and about, always calls me an angel, but the truth is he's MY angel. Every night and day.

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I loved my boyfriend 40 years ago. Then he joined the army. For 40 years we searched for each other. And now we've found each other. He has 4 kids. I have 3. But we're still in love with each...

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Some Kind Of Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

Night casts eerie shadows upon the wall,
distorting the reality tonight.
Plagued by diseased images of the mind,
I toss and turn in my fitful slumber.
Darkness clouds my mind like ink to water,
spreading till everything remains black.
Eyelids flutter until I have awakened,
startled into the silhouettes that are
this room. Fear creeps over my shoulder, but
there is nothing to fear, for my angel lies
sleeping beside me. Safely tucked beneath
his wings, I may slumber onward tonight,
with his warmth burying me so sweetly.
A serene calm brushes over my cheek,
allowing sleep to follow it softly.


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  • Flora Jackson by Flora Jackson
  • 7 years ago

I loved my boyfriend 40 years ago. Then he joined the army. For 40 years we searched for each other. And now we've found each other. He has 4 kids. I have 3. But we're still in love with each other. He's divorced, I'm widowed. Love is an emotion that gets stronger with time. But now the only problem is that he lives in Georgia, and I live in California. We can't decide where we should live. I don't want to leave my children and grandchildren, and neither does he. This man is my soulmate. I don't want to spend another minute away from him. But I just have to believe that after 40 years of being apart, our love will find a way.

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