Sports Poem

Poem About Soccer

Soccer is my life. Narrative poem from the perspective of a player playing soccer.

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This poem is quite amazing, and I am sure that a lot of people would be touched like the way I have. I have a friend who enjoys this poem because she plays football. It is very substantial to...

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One Look


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

As I stand on that muddy grass field,
The roar of the cheering crowds
Is all I seem to hear.
No specific voices; it's all just a blur.
The only person I really notice
Is the yelling of my coach.

As I go to challenge the ball,
I think, "I want my coach to be proud of me."
The ball is at me feet, I have to be quick.
I dribble up the side of the field,
Cut in and cross, one touch,
From another player, and goal!
I know my coach is proud of me
From just one look.

Walking to the car,
Ball in hand, covered all in mud,
I receive compliments on a great game.
I say thanks, but all that matters
After the game winning goal
Is that one look from my coach.


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  • Rating 4.00
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tomal Morris by Tomal Morris
  • 8 years ago

This poem is quite amazing, and I am sure that a lot of people would be touched like the way I have. I have a friend who enjoys this poem because she plays football. It is very substantial to see someone who could write about something that they would have probably experienced or would even like a chance to do someday....????

  • Arti Patel by Arti Patel
  • 8 years ago

Hi! Even though I am a soccer player, I can understand this poem very well. And even for me, the look from my coach matters the most. I am the captain of my girls team. After shooting a goal, if he nods then only I consider it as my goal, I don't care about the referee. So keep going.

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