Nature Poem for Kids

Hi. I'm Sam. I am 12 years old. I chose to write this poem because I wanted a snow day. I wrote about all the stuff I would do, like sledding or drinking hot chocolate. The funny thing is the next day we actually got a snow day and I got to do all the things I mentioned in my poem.

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We, in grade three, love your snow poem. We have included own illustrations and we are going to read your poem to our Learning Buddy class of grades primary and one! We like having snow days too!

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Snow Day


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

Snow is falling to the ground,
Piling up in enormous mounds.
School is canceled for the day.
Children run outside to play.

Snowballs are thrown in the air.
No one has any care
About school - only fun,
Because the day is a snowy one.

Snowmen are stacked very high;
Their top hats almost skim the sky.
To make them round, they must pat,
Then finish off with mittens and hat.

As the weather gets cold,
The children are told
To come inside and eat -
Enjoy hot chocolate with a couple treats.

Once the kids are done,
They put on their gear for some more fun.
Some of them play around,
While other kids just lay on the ground.

Another kid makes snow angels
Until the dog named Bojangles
Runs through his masterpiece,
But then the owner yells cease.

After Bojangles
Ruins all the snow angels,
Kids slide down the hill
'Til they are bitten by a chill.

Almost over is the day.
The children start to walk away.
As snow falls, so does the sun.
Time to go in; the day is done.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mrs. Kathleen Canning - Teacher by Mrs. Kathleen Canning - Teacher
  • 7 years ago

We, in grade three, love your snow poem. We have included own illustrations and we are going to read your poem to our Learning Buddy class of grades primary and one! We like having snow days too!

  • Kelly by Kelly
  • 8 years ago

Dear Sam,
You are a fantastic poet. I would have never been able to read your snow day poem, if a couple of my students wouldn't have turned it in as their own. Keep up the creative work.

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