Easter Poem

Resurrection Acrostic Poem

The church contains, according to traditions dating back to at least the fourth century, the two holiest sites in Christianity: the site where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, at a place known as "Calvary" or "Golgotha," and Jesus' empty tomb, where he is said to have been buried and resurrected. This is my version of the resurrection.

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© more by Eric R. Harvey

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

Ridiculed and mocked, nailed to a cross.
Each of his followers mourning his loss.
Set down from on high, placed in a cave.
Unmovable stone in front of his grave.
Roman soldiers guarded the solemn room,
Rejecting attempts to enter the tomb.
Entrance sealed so no one could steal
Christ's body, which had a great appeal.
Then on the third day, Mary could not believe
Inside the cave - no body to grieve.
On Sunday he was seen it was said.
Now God had raised His son from the dead.


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