Best Friend Poem

Poem About You Inspiring Me

The poem is about two woman who are best friends, who keep it real.

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I was just diagnosed with SLE disease, kind of a chronic one; I feel I live in the dark but my best friends give me strength and light; thanks to God cuz you sent good friends to me, no...

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Best Friends


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

You inspire me to be a better person.
When I dream, you applaud.
When I cry, you listen.
You find the right tools and
Provide the knowledge to use them.
I feel closer to you than to anyone.
I can tell you anything and you can do the same.
We think alike in a lot of ways; that's why you are my best friend.
I hold you close to my heart, closer than anyone.
I think of you when I'm about to make a decision and laugh - thinking of what you would say.
I've never laughed so much with any other friend in my life. 
Girl, only you and I could find the same things funny.
Two different women, one great friendship.


  • Stories 2
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Geena by Geena, Malaysia
  • 10 years ago

I was just diagnosed with SLE disease, kind of a chronic one; I feel I live in the dark but my best friends give me strength and light; thanks to God cuz you sent good friends to me, no words I can tell but just my feeling.

  • Mujeeb by Mujeeb
  • 16 years ago

A poem of expression, gives value to friendship, nicely written to express one's love for friend

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