Famous Sad Love Poem

In this brief yet evocative poem, the poet explores themes of escape and inescapable longing. The speaker attempts to flee into nature to forget someone far away, yet finds that thoughts of this person follow them. The use of repetition with phrases like "a thousand miles away" and "a mile away" emphasizes the irony and futility of physical distance in escaping emotional ties. The contrast between the desire for solitude and the persistent presence of the loved one creates a poignant tension, highlighting the power of memory and longing.

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Famous Poem


By more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

I went out to the woods to-day
    To hide away from you,
From you a thousand miles away—
    But you came, too.

And yet the old dull thought would stay,
    And all my heart benumb—
If you were but a mile away
    You would not come.


more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

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