Wife Poem

Realization Of Why I Love My Wife

The saying, you dont know what you got till its gone, could not be more true.
I never sat down and thought about all the things I love in my wife. I just knew and didn't ever think about why. When I lost her, and thought about it, I fell even more deeply in love with her. That's when I realized how much of a fool I was. I was luckiest man on earth for 28 years, and never even knew it,

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One Of A Kind

© more by Jeff W. Dennis

Published by Family Friend Poems September 18, 2024 with permission of the Author.

When you lose someone so precious to you.
A woman so rare there could never be two.

No one is perfect in every which way.
Just the right balance is all I can say.

Sharp as a tack and rarely confused.
Even if she was, you never knew.

Determined and fierce yet cheerful and calm.
Kept her composure like singing a song.

Kept with the beat and the perfect time.
The odd hiccup, but always in line.

Sometimes she'd stray too far left or the right.
Always righted the ship again, and never lost sight.

Never a nag or complainer you see.
Not let little things ruin a day that could be.

Don't get me wrong she wasn't a prune.
She could party all night and be up well before noon.

Sometimes she spread herself way too thin.
But pushing yourself is far from a sin.

She danced how she dressed, sexy with style.
A wonderful laugh and beautiful smile.

If there was ever a woman who could have any man.
I'm sure she's the one, I'm her biggest fan.

I can't say it was, love at first sight, she was far too young.
A little naïve because of where she was from.

I wish I had taken her under my wing, cause I knew she was special, at least to me.
Instead I ran, let her grow and be free.

When our paths next collided the girl I knew.
Had become a young woman that was like only a few.

Over the years she went from quite rare and fine.
To the woman she is, a one of a kind.

She is unlike any other, unique in so many ways.
I can't help but love her for the rest of my days.

I'm afraid that someday the feel of her silky soft skin.
Will start to fade, will I ever feel that again?

Do I carry on and settle for another?
They won't even be close, so why even bother?

The attraction I have for this woman is so strong.
To be with another feels nothing but wrong.

After living a lifetime with the very one.
The love of your life, what have I done ?

I can't have her back and I can't let her go.
What other choice do I have? I surely don't know.

This woman cannot be replaced like a lightbulb you see.
I will be alone in the dark forever, just me.

What hurts the most, is that how I feel.
Means nothing to her, it's not a big deal.

I'm easily replaced,  I offer so little.
My feelings for her are only a riddle.


more by Jeff W. Dennis

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