Pregnancy Poem

Poem From An Expectant Mother

An expectant mother promises all goodness and love to her son that will be born.

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My story is about my unborn grandson to his parents To Mommy & Daddy When I enter this world in Mommy& Daddy's Life I hope I can make them forget their worries & strife. It's really nice...

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A Note To My Son


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

Time is moving slowly,
The day is almost here.

The anxiety and joy is building up,
For my baby boy will soon appear.

I can't wait to see your smiling face,
And hold your little hand.

Just then I'll know deep inside
that you're my little man.

I have so much to share with you
day after day.

And to you my son I will give my love
in each and every way.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Donna by Donna
  • 12 years ago

My story is about my unborn grandson to his parents

To Mommy & Daddy
When I enter this world in Mommy& Daddy's Life I hope I can make them forget their worries & strife.
It's really nice that I am a Boy because I just filled their hearts with so much Joy!
So shower me with Love and show Inir you really care, Foe with a blink of an eye time will fly right out the door and your precious little Inir won't be a baby anymore!!

  • Chiqui by Chiqui
  • 14 years ago

This was an awesome write dear friend you can actually see the footprints your son has already left in your heart. Enjoy him his whole life through. I have 3 sons and a daughter they are so very precious to me, my diamonds and pearls. Sincerely Chiqui

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 16 years ago

aww this is a cute poem I'm 8 months pregnant with a baby boy his name is Ryland and I just can't wait for him to be out. I might be a young single mother but no matter what people say I'm going to love this boy with all my heart

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