Birthday Poem

Poem About Love For A Sister

I know this isn't a rhyming poem. I love my sister, and I hope she has a great birthday.
To my sister, my friend

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I liked your poem. Whether it rhymed or not, it was from the heart, and I can relate. I have two sisters and I'm the oldest. My sister next to me just passed away two months ago. We were...

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My Sister!


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Britney, what can I say,
You are the best sister
I could've ever asked for

We went through a lot when we were younger,
But you helped me through it!
You made me stronger.
I am thankful for that every day
So thank you for always being there for me.

So on this special day of yours
I wanted to tell you how much I love you,
I really do!
I know I don't say it often, but it's true.
I love you!

I know we fight a lot
But we are sisters.
(we always forgive each other)!
It's not the fact that we are "blood"
But the love I have for you tells me that we will be friends forever!

I hope you have a great day
You have my wishes.

Happy Birthday


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I liked your poem. Whether it rhymed or not, it was from the heart, and I can relate. I have two sisters and I'm the oldest. My sister next to me just passed away two months ago. We were close. For twenty five years we were hang around buddies, we had fun, enjoyed each other, shared and borrowed things from each other, and it was a great friendship. Love her while you have her, accept her for who she is, compromise, and be kind. You won't regret it.
Jac Judy A. Campbell

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