I Love You Poem

Poem About My Promise To Love You Forever

A girl writes of deep and abiding love that she promises to her partner.

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I met my man through Facebook, like most people do now. He's the sweetest man. He would keep asking me to go out to eat with him. I kept saying no, I didn't know him and thought it could be...

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My Promise


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

This is my promise to you for the world to see,
Just how much you really mean to me.
I promise to love you,
As long as you love me too.

I tell this to the stars above,
To remind you that you will always be loved.
I tell this to the fish in the sea,
And they too will know just how much you mean to me.

I promise you forever,
We'll spend our lives' time together.
I promise to make you better when you feel down,
Even if that means I have to act like a clown.

If this promise to you isn't enough,
Well then maybe I should think twice about us.
But even if I do,
I will always be deeply in love with you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rebekah Heckman by Rebekah Heckman
  • 7 years ago

I met my man through Facebook, like most people do now. He's the sweetest man. He would keep asking me to go out to eat with him. I kept saying no, I didn't know him and thought it could be some creep. But it wasn't. It's my one and only Prince Charming, my best friend, my lover, my strength and passion. He has a disease called alopecia, so he has no hair anywhere. He thought I wouldn't love him because of alopecia, but he taught me how to love people's personalities more than looks. And really loving and cherishing his personality made me think why do people always think looks matter? When really personality is how you get attracted to people and how beautiful and hot they are. I will forever cherish his love and being able to accept my love. I love you forever, hubby.

  • John Sinegra by John Sinegra
  • 7 years ago

She came into my life at a sushi bar. She showed me what it was to be with an uptown girl. I was over my head. I treated her bad, then I learned that she was the real deal. Now I live only for her. The sun rises and sets only with her. She is and always will be. Thank you God. My uptown girl, I love you always.

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