Funny Life Poem

Multiple Personalities

This is a humorous take on having multiple personalities. Meant to be confusing and fun.

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My Personalities

Michael J. Malone © more by Michael J. Malone

Published by Family Friend Poems August 4, 2024 with permission of the Author.

I'm never truly alone to myself
Myself has many personalities
With more stories than a bookshelf
Sharing many different mentalities

Decisions can be sometimes fun
Initially personality one chimes in first
Cause one wants to get things done
But four thinks one is just the worst

Enraging six who runs to one's defense 
Four snaps back with uncommon wit
As six rambles on making truly no sense
Then there's two who refuses to commit

With one now laughing to hearts content
Cause four and six now in the argument
Will fight till evening is completely spent
And two still refuses to engage or commit

Enters five to intervene and save the day
Five the mediator as three would say
Together they team up to show the way
Two now commits to irritate them away

Whom three accuses two of jealousy
Cause five and three are friends you see
With one still laughing hysterically
Four and six have now entered therapy

So the night becomes really interesting
Cause one and two are now listening
To three and four's happy whistling
At five and six who started...kissing!?!

Multiple personalities can be so fun
Just don't expect normality from one
One's mind will simply become undone
Arguing to kissing and the nights still young



Not a lot to say here. I just enjoy writing as a means to mentally unwind. I also like to read what others have written and look for the meaning behind the words. Not just the meaning, but the emotions/feelings that are being communicated through the words.

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