Birth Poem

The Gift Of Life

My child is more precious than anything else on this earth. A new life, a true gift. The moment we met, a bond we will always have, a date we will always know, a time we will always share, a celebration...your birthday!

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My Perfect Gift

Sandra Hearth © more by Sandra Hearth

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2019 with permission of the Author.

To celebrate is to embrace an act of wonder and joy,
To show the whole world you have a girl or a boy.

A date that will be written forever in time,
A life, a love, a child of mine.

Tiny fingers and perfect toes,
Rosy pink cheeks and a little button nose.

A true miracle, you are born tonight.
In my arms, I cannot stop staring as I hold you tight.

Held close beside my heart, I gently sway.
You're exactly 20 minutes old; you're here to stay.

My precious gift, my child, my light,
You are everything that's perfect; you are just right.

So hello, my angel; I'd just like to say,
Welcome my darling, and happy birthday!



I love writing ...funny, sad, happy, whatever I'm feeling.
It's a joy and I can leave behind all the noise of this world and go to places that make me feel, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh.
It's therapeutic a lot ot of the time, life's journey can take us to places we didn't choose and writing helps me heal.

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The author should most definitely be published in special cards for births. It's just perfect.

Thank you for your very kind words.

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