Loss of a Friend Poem

A Tribute To A Cherished Friend

My Little Butterfly was written the night of the day my boss, who was a good friend of mine died from a brain aneurysm. The doctors said she had born with it and she never knew it was there. It was a time bomb waiting to go off. She had been in our office that day and was getting ready to attend a meeting. She was humming and laughing as she always did. The poem is word for word what came to me that night. I had to rush to get a pen and paper. I had never written anything before this poem.

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On August 7, 2004, my darling daughter Lisa and her friend, was instantly killed in a car accident, by a guy driving over 130 mph. She was a very special type of a person. She volunteered her...

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My Little Butterfly


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

Today a little butterfly flew by me.
I thought to myself where have you been little butterfly.
You come into this world as a cocoon all by yourself and blossom into
this beautiful butterfly and fly off to see the world.
What you don't realize little butterfly as you flutter through your days
is how you touch those around you in your soft gentle way.
You don't even realize the wonder and awe you create around you.
she fluttered her wings toward me as if she was waving good-by as she
headed towards the horizon.
She looked very happy and content as she went on her way, as if to say
to me "Don't worry I'll be okay".
I was sad to see her go for she had touched my heart in such a way that
I knew my life would never be the same.
She had left an imprint of all the beauty life has to offer.
I knew each time I looked at another butterfly or horizon I would
remember our moment in time when it was only her and I.
I knew I would be a better person all because this little butterfly flew by
me one bright sunny day.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jaudine F by Jaudine F
  • 5 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem. It makes so much sense sharing it on my daughter's memorial, and it speaks so much about her. It touched my heart, and it's a perfect poem for the unveiling of her butterfly tombstone.

  • Clarence Magruder by Clarence Magruder
  • 8 years ago

On August 7, 2004, my darling daughter Lisa and her friend, was instantly killed in a car accident, by a guy driving over 130 mph. She was a very special type of a person. She volunteered her spare time at the SPCA and stayed in debt to help others. She was very artistic and had won awards for her photography and artwork. While goings through her things we found what we believe was her last drawing with a caption " Butterfly fly by me". Now it's just 8 days in 2016 from the anniversary of her death and I have been thinking a lot of her lately and I just discovered this poem or I think maybe she wanted me to find it.

  • Kerry Bird by Kerry Bird, England
  • 9 years ago

My lovely Grandma...slowly died, but never lost her smile. Thank you for this poem, it seems to be about her.

  • Beverley by Beverley, London
  • 10 years ago

This poem is so beautiful and gentle. It was perfect as a reading at my best friends funeral- so I would like to thank the poet for sharing.

  • Cambrie by Cambrie, Orangeville UT
  • 10 years ago

Two years ago I lost my Aunt Heather. She and I were really close and I feel like this poem is just what I needed to feel like she was here again.

  • Shianne by Shianne, Phillipsburg NJ
  • 12 years ago

Just 8 months ago I lost my son he was only 22 months old. He had a twin brother that is devastated to this day and I just want him to know mommy loves him dearly. Watch over me and your 3 sisters and your brother.

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