Betrayal Poem

This poem is about the life I went through growing up. We were together for 5 years. Then he turned to drugs, and there it went.

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My boyfriend only dated for a year, but I wish I would have dated him for less because he was only trying to get to my best friend, which really hurt my feelings. But I forgave him even...

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My Heart Still Hurts

© more by Brandy

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

My heart still hurts
and causes me pain.
I wish I could just see him again,
I thought we would be together,
from now till forever,
but something took that away,
now I had to start my own days,
but why am I still stuck
carrying the pain?
I thought the pain was over
till I spoke of your name.
Now it's all back to haunt me again
I still hold the memories of you and I.
Why, oh why, did we have to fight.
We were both young,
but I thought it was true love,
but then you had to turn
to those damn drugs.
They tore us apart
and caused us both pain.
Do you ever wish you could hold me again?
Now it's too late.
Now it's all gone
because now we both chose to move on.
Do you ever wonder?
Do you still care?
Do you ever shed tears.
I didn't; I was being strong.
That's how I learned to move on,
but now it's back to haunt me,
and I realize I still care.
I wish I could turn back all the years
and make you stop
and make you listen
and make you see
that you were meant to only be with me.
We used to laugh,
we used to love,
we used to be close as a dove.
Now everyone will see why I hate drugs.
They cause problems,
they cause pain.
Gosh, I wish you could see me once again.
I love to laugh,
I love to love.
Gosh, all I wanted was your sweet hugs,
but now my heart is squished like a bug.
Once again, the pain has risen.
Now I have to get it back to hidden.
Please take care in whatever you do,
but please always know that I did love you...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ingrid Matlebjane by Ingrid Matlebjane
  • 8 years ago

Why me?

A smart girl who has a beautiful smile, who was always happy. There came a wind that wipes my smile and left tears. Every night crying myself to sleep.
Peace, happiness and love are impossible to me. My soul is tired of paining all day. My goals are now cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. My dreams and goals are crashed before they could even start. I feel like I gambled with my own soul and lost everything. I sold my dreams to strangers. Why did it happen to me? Why not that other girl? Lot of why's are in my mind. I also need a break from pain. When will the rain come for me? People even forgot my beautiful smile, because shame and sadness are now called my happiness.

  • Witbank by Witbank
  • 11 years ago

Wow! This poem is really touching. I'm still hurting after my boyfriend of five years dumped me because he wants to focus on his music and job. It's really killing me.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 7 years ago

My boyfriend only dated for a year, but I wish I would have dated him for less because he was only trying to get to my best friend, which really hurt my feelings. But I forgave him even though I didn't want to.

  • Meera by Meera
  • 11 years ago

I like this poem very much. It is heart touching poem.

  • Johannesburg by Johannesburg
  • 12 years ago

Oh my word that poem is deep, true love really does hurt.. it kills

  • Natchez by Natchez, MS
  • 13 years ago

When I read this it breaks my heart because I could feel every line of it and I really feel for the heart it came from because I know what my heart is feeling right now because of the same exact thing. Something that hurts worse than you can imagine because you cannot control it and you cannot take back someone else's choices, even though they effect you SO GREATLY.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 14 years ago

I really liked this poem because I dated a guy this past year and we were each others first love but then we broke up because he kept doing drugs behind my back. I know how you feel and it really sucks, but know you did the right thing cuz any guy that would choose drugs over someone who cares for him so much isn't worth it unless he makes a change.

  • Emma by Emma, Leicester UK
  • 14 years ago

I thought this poem was very touching and that it shows true love and not some silly little crush, I did really like this poem and it was a very very good poem.

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