Birthday Poem

Mother To Son Birthday Wishes

As my son reaches the milestone of 16 years I needed a way to tell him what he means to me. Sometimes the communication is hard in the teen years. I wanted to give him something from the heart.

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Sandra, Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem and for allowing me to share it with my 16 year old son. It is perfect in every way, heartfelt with feeling and emotion. I cried...

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On Your 16th Birthday


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

Sixteen years ago today
They placed you in my arms
I became a mother
Bewitched by all your charms

You learned to walk, to read
Each day brought something new
No more my little boy
You hurt, I cried, you grew

Sometimes you didn't need me
Didn't want to hold my hand
Your independence made you proud
But me a little sad

I blinked my eyes, I turned around
You're almost grown, I see
Why did it go so fast?
A few more moments please

In your struggle to be free
Sometimes we don't get along
But I'm always on your side
I'll always be your mom

You can't stop time, can't hold it back
Can't stop the ocean's tide
The good person that you are
Fills my heart with pride

In my eyes there is no one like you
Can't wait to see what you'll become
My pride and joy, I love you
Happy birthday to my son


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anushka Kokardekar by Anushka Kokardekar
  • 4 years ago

This is exactly what I've wanted to say but was unable to put into words. My son turns 16 tomorrow and this is perfect.

  • Sue Crigger by Sue Crigger
  • 4 years ago

Sandra, Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem and for allowing me to share it with my 16 year old son. It is perfect in every way, heartfelt with feeling and emotion. I cried while I wrote it on his card. This is exactly what I needed, but have trouble expressing in words. Please accept my deepest thanks!

"Wait till your farther gets home" was my discipline from mom. I always wondered what happened in those secret meetings. Just a memory from when I was sixteen. I enjoyed your poem.

  • Delicia Clayton by Delicia Clayton
  • 6 years ago

Thank you, Sandra, for the awesome poem. I read it at my son's 16th birthday last night, but I just added a little story to each paragraph and everyone loved it. I used your poem because it was a spur of the moment get-together and I didn't know what to say! Your poem is awesome, Sandra!! I loved they way you put your heart on paper. It brought a tear to everyone's eye!

  • Teresa Cumpton by Teresa Cumpton
  • 8 years ago

Wow. This is exactly what I've wanted to say but unable to put into words. My son turns 16 today and this is perfect. It brought tears to my eyes. I love it. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words and emotions.

  • Toni Glenn by Toni Glenn
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for allowing me to share this poem for my son!!

  • Jenny Birmele by Jenny Birmele
  • 10 years ago

I don't always know the right words to say and the emotion gets in the way. I just needed this beautiful poem to express what my words could not say, thank you for the use of the poem, it touched my heart. Communication with my teen has not been easy especially as of late. I know that the really wonderful and amazing person is in there waiting to bust out but conflict and teenage hormones are what I seem to battle with. Thank you again for this time is short and fleeting needed something to capture what I was feeling....peace!

  • Zandra by Zandra, Rosenberg
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for writing and letting me use your poem. I couldn't have said it better. This poem was perfect!!!! It said just what I felt and wanted to say to my son on his 16th birthday.

  • Lisa by Lisa
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for letting me use your poem to post how much I love my son and wish the years would slow down.

  • Anette Ogden by Anette Ogden
  • 10 years ago

I enjoy writing poems in Afrikaans. Unfortunately, I can only write them for people that I know, because then, and only then , it comes straight from my heart... because I know the person I am writing for, and it then become very easy for me. I can write an A4 poem within 30 minutes. I don't have a problem with English, but I don't write these poems in English. And because my son has got a pot of English speaking friends, I am borrowing this poem, with a little alteration, to fit his 40th birthday. Thank you!

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