Missing You Poem

Poem About Missing Little Twin Sisters

About 2 years ago my little sisters got taken into foster care. I have limited time with them, one day a month, which makes it feel like I never get to see them. They were 5 years old when they were taken and are now 7 years old. They are twins and I miss them so much. One of them is due to come home very soon, hopefully. It is still hard to go day to day not seeing them. I miss them so much.

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This poem reminded me of my cousin. I love him very much. He is the only person I trust and talk to. He kept a secret I have for almost 7 years and he's still keeping it till this day. He's...

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Missing You


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2009 with permission of the Author.

You left a long time ago,
There's nothing I can do,
I miss you as the days go on,
Not allowed to see you.
I think of you day and night,
Of all the things we used to do,
It makes me sad,
It makes me cry,
They had no right to take you.
You left in just one day,
No time to say goodbye,
Every time I think of you,
All I want to do is cry.
Everyday without you,
Is like every day without air.
I cannot stand,
One more day without you,
Please come home so soon.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bernice Charles by Bernice Charles, Connecticut
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminded me of my cousin. I love him very much. He is the only person I trust and talk to. He kept a secret I have for almost 7 years and he's still keeping it till this day. He's in Afghanistan right now and I miss him so much. This poem relates to how I feel.

  • Kimberly Fink by Kimberly Fink, Ohio
  • 15 years ago

I read this poem because I the introduction was about a individual being separated by her loved ones. It touched me in ways that it just hurts because I went through the same thing, although, I was the one that got separated. My sister was with me for a while. We both got put into the same foster home, away from our parents, who were wonderful to us, but after a year, my sister and I got separated, and they placed me nearly 2 miles away from my sister and my mom and dad. 1 year later, after that, I was able to move back in with my mother. It started when I was 14 and when my sister was just a little over a year older than me, and it ended about 2 years later. I'm now 17 and my sister is now 18 & she'll be 19 in a few months, and I barley talk to her now because of how they separated us.

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