Falling in Love Poem

A Poem Of Love At First Sight

As we fall asleep, images pass through our minds. That person that passed fleetingly through our life, could she be the one true love?

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We met when you were down. We intertwined and were together for years, through all the many downs and all the wonderful ups and unforgettable memories. I will never forget those special...

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Love Walked On By

© more by Kevin

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

As she walked on by
You could see a glint in her eye
It started with a smile
And lasted a while
She told him of her dream
wondering what it would mean
Had she scared him away
or would he stay
He lay awake all night
trying to fight what seemed so right
A simple text, a nervous reply
How could he deny
True love that walked on by


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  • Todd Tressler by Todd Tressler
  • 7 years ago

We met when you were down. We intertwined and were together for years, through all the many downs and all the wonderful ups and unforgettable memories. I will never forget those special moments together. I just want to sincerely thank you for all that. I never thanked you for that before.

  • Paul T. McMahon by Paul T. McMahon
  • 7 years ago

Giday Kevin, thanks for your poem "Love Walked On By." I like it a lot because I think it is true. Attraction is a powerful thing, a mystery, a clue. Even that which is forbidden. So sadly then we keep it hidden. All the best mate. It's what makes life interesting. That maze of possibilities and relationships and the course we decide to follow. The questions and the answers we have to swallow. Cheers, Paul

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