Addiction Poem

Poem About The Arrogance Of An Addict

I wrote this poem to show the arrogance of an addict. No matter how dismal the situation may be an addict can convince him or herself that things ain't that bad. You cannot scare an addict because an addict has no fear. Even when we see our friends die of overdoses we still think it won't happen to us.

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I am an addict living one day at a time. I do not say I'm in recovery, cuz I don't want to jinx myself. When all my using, craving dreams and thoughts leave me forever, then I will say I'm...

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King Cocaine

© more by Ronald Doe

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

King Cocaine has come out smoking,
I've taken hit after hit.
It's plain to see he's not joking,
And it's obvious I should to quit.
There's no attack for me to mount,
I do not belong in this fight.
I should just stay down for the count,
But it's still early in the night.

King Cocaine has come out swinging,
The Champ is pushing me around.
Misery is what he's bringing,
His jabs are making my head pound.
My confidence is badly bruised,
My ego is shattered again.
All night long I have been abused.
But something tells me I can win.

King Cocaine has ruled the whole night,
Because The Master is quite deft.
He's hit me with so many rights,
He's got me begging for a left.
Once again I am on the ropes,
The Champ is having me for lunch
My pride tells me my only hope,
Is to knock him out with one punch.

King Cocaine has won every round,
It's plain to see the end is near.
It's obvious I should stay down,
Let the misery end right here.
Because I know I'm bound to die,
If I don't throw the towel in.
But I look The Champ in the eye,
I then get up and fight again.

King Cocaine is pleasing the crowd,
Dancing like Muhammad Ali.
Acting like he has done them proud,
As he moves in to knock out me.
I hear the crowd begin to cheer,
I hear The Champ say, "This is it."
I tell him, "I'm still standing here,"
Before I take my final hit.


more by Ronald Doe

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  • Whitehorse by Whitehorse, Yukon
  • 12 years ago

I am an addict living one day at a time. I do not say I'm in recovery, cuz I don't want to jinx myself. When all my using, craving dreams and thoughts leave me forever, then I will say I'm living in recovery, but not until then.

  • missing him by missing him
  • 15 years ago

wow. I love your poems. I am a huge fan. you give the best advice. my boyfriend was on drugs and drank a lot he is in rehab now and is getting better. I will never know how it feels to be on drugs. that's a promise to my self and family. great poem!!!

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