Faith Poem

So many times we look at ourselves and others as not being good enough or in a negative way instead of seeing ourselves and others as Christ sees us, which is a beautiful, loving, special, holy, and perfect creation.

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In The Eyes Of Christ

Marcia A. Newton © more by Marcia A. Newton

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2019 with permission of the Author.

Looking in the Eyes of Christ, see His love for us inside.
See the beauty of our lives, in the Eyes of Christ.

In times of doubts and fears, when the world brings us to tears,
we look into Your eyes and we see the One who cares.
Your Eyes see us as people of blessed joy and grace.
We're beauty in the Eyes of Christ.

In times when we're alone, when the world sees us as unloved,
we look into Your Eyes and see the greatest love of all.
Your love endures forever. You're always by our side.
We're loving in the Eyes of Christ.

In times when we are meek, when the world sees us as weak,
we look into Your Eyes and we see the strength we need.
Your Eyes are always on us. There's nothing we can hide.
We're special in the Eyes of Christ.

In times when we are sad, when the world see us as bad,
we look into Your Eyes and see a saving, gentle Lamb
who gave His life for us in loving sacrifice.
We're holy in the Eyes of Christ.

In times when we're not strong, when the world sees us as flawed,
we look into Your Eyes and see the Maker of us all.
You see us as we truly are, not as the world would see.
We're perfect in the Eyes of Christ.


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