Friends I'm Sorry Poem

This is written by my friend for a former friend. They aren't friends anymore, but she still misses her.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this poem. My friend and I got into a fight about a mean rumor about me, which caused me to say some pretty rude things to her. I instantly regretted it,...

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I'm Sorry And I Still Love You


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry friend
I don't know what to do
I try so hard
to be a better person to you

I screw up a lot
and I ignore you, too
I don't know why
but I still love you

You're my best friend
I know we can make it through
let's make this friendship last
and make it better and true

I know you're getting sick of me
I'm getting sick of myself too
I don't know how many times
I can say sorry to you

but really I am a fool
to let such a wonderful
friendship break in two

I'm going to push aside the past now
I'm going to be nicer to you
and show what I can do

you're my best friend still
and you're my favorite too
remember the good times and I
know we'll make it through


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  • Rating 4.33
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rose by Rose, Kentucky
  • 10 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this poem. My friend and I got into a fight about a mean rumor about me, which caused me to say some pretty rude things to her. I instantly regretted it, and I emailed her this poem, and she forgave me. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you for this poem.

  • Korba by Korba
  • 10 years ago

Really it's a very nice poem depicting a situation which every person faces in his/ her life once.
And this poem will help them to say a very sweet sorry and make there friend remember the sweet memories of past.

  • Maddy by Maddy
  • 12 years ago

Me and my friend got in to a fight and I'm looking for good poems to say sorry this is really great thanks so much for such great poetry (:

  • Emily by Emily
  • 12 years ago

My best friend/sister and I got into a disagreement a few days ago...and I ended up making a decision that probably ruined any chance of us working out our problem and getting our friendship back to normal so I'm praying and hoping that this poem shows her how truly sorry I am for what I did and maybe start over as friends

  • Sanmi Michael by Sanmi Michael
  • 12 years ago

These poems have really touched me. I was damn furious at my friend ignoring me after leaving school. After some months, I called her on phone and I said some crazy things to her. After then, I felt sorry for getting too far. So I rethink over my wrong deed, and now I'm happy to have her back.

  • Marsha by Marsha, Whetstonte
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem it was very touching, if you don't mind I am going to give this poem to my friend that I broke up with a few days ago. She will tell off me if I don't say sorry and yes I am 10 years old.

  • South Africa by South Africa
  • 12 years ago

It touched me deeply me and my best friend had a big fight because I started feeling more than friends and he told his girlfriend, she told me that she's not mad at me but then she went and told ugly lies about me! This poem opened my eyes

  • Saidie by Saidie
  • 12 years ago

Well me & my friend got in a huge fight.. So I thought a letter explaining how sorry I was would be good. I found this poem & it was perfect ! So I'm hoping for the best.(:

  • Aline Ibrahim by Aline Ibrahim
  • 13 years ago

Very sensitive poem it reminds me of me and my friend and all our fights.

  • Siena by Siena
  • 13 years ago

This made me cry because my friend sent it to me 'cause she told me it after we had a fight and she didn't want to be my friend anymore

  • Destanee Baca by Destanee Baca
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem! It reminds me of me and my friend when we had a fight. We are not friends anymore but I still want to say that I'm sorry for all the things I have done. Amazing poem!

  • Katie Morgan by Katie Morgan
  • 13 years ago

This has touched me because right now my best friend and I are not talking because I have been really rude to her and lied to her several times now... This poem I love and I think it is so true to try to get a friendship back after being mean to someone..

  • Bronte by Bronte, Buford
  • 13 years ago

This poem read out my exact emotion,
my two best friends left me for another girl and now they're an item, I don't know why I'm saying sorry I haven't done anything but I'm not giving up.. after all they are my best friend

  • Lelani by Lelani, Stockton
  • 14 years ago

I can really relate to this! this reminds me of me and my friend! I wish we could be close again! I really like this poem!

  • Laraine Smith by Laraine Smith
  • 15 years ago

I admire your determination. This poem touches my heart.

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