Halloween Poem

I have always LOVED Halloween - the colors of fall, the Jack O' Lanterns, the crowds of kids dressed up and going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin...yes, I watch it every year. We always WAY over-decorate for Halloween...and it's a blast.

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I Wouldn't Live In A Haunted House

Rick W. Cotton © more by Rick W. Cotton

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2018 with permission of the Author.

I wouldn't live in a haunted house;
It's something I just wouldn't do.
Not in creepy haunted house.
Not with me or even with you.

There's ghosties that hide in the shadows,
And spiders spin webs down the walls.
Things going bumpety all night long,
And footsteps go stomping down halls.

Voices that whisper when nobody's there
And shadows abound in the nighttime.
And just when you think all the ghouls have moved out,
They return for some serious fright-time.

They'll give you a poke on the back of your neck,
Or someone unseen tugs your hair.
You just know there's someone standing behind
If you dare to look...nobody's there.

I wouldn't live in a haunted house,
But on the last of October,
I might drop in for a quick little stay
And bring all my candy right over.

When the sun goes down at the edge of town
And the moon rises glorious yellow,
There's something in Halloween's glowing time
That makes all the ghosties quite mellow.

Then little ones come, dressed in costumes galore.
A haunted house might be just dandy
For you and I, Love, to spend our Halloween
On our haunted porch, handing out candy!



Rick is often staring out the window at the color of the leaves, or the clouds, or the blue of the sky. He's a hopeless romantic, loves old movies and music, and special times. He cannot abide rap, liver and onions, reality TV, and shopping malls. Rick has a lovely wife, a fat cat, and a taste for BBQ.

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