Betrayal Poem

I once dated this girl and she was amazing, truly amazing. But one day it changed and she broke up with me. She had it planned from the start and she tried to do it again, but I was wittier than witty and did not fall in.

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I Won't Fall For You Again


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2017 with permission of the Author.

There once was this girl.
She had the most beautiful face.
Her eyes shone like diamonds,
nothing out of place.

Her hair smelled like roses,
that sweet flowery smell.
But hidden in that hair
were bright flames from hell.

She pulled me in close
then pushed me right back.
And I was a fool
to fall into that trap.

A week had gone by
and I felt beat down and broken.
Two months later
and not a word was spoken.

Till one day this girl,
she spoke to me again.
Just like the last time,
I nearly fell for her again.

It was hard to look past
that beautiful face.
But once I did,
I saw those bright flames.


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