Poem for Kids

Wishes And Dreams: The Power Of Imagination

The poem "I Wish" is a light-hearted and whimsical piece that expresses desires for things that are unlikely to happen. Through the use of playful language and vivid imagery, the poem explores fanciful wishes for a world where spinach tastes like chocolate, candy bars are healthy, homework is easy, and mythical creatures like dragons and fairies can be kept as pets. The poem captures the spirit of youthful imagination and the innocent joy of daydreaming.

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I Wish

© more by Santhini Govindan

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2022 with permission of the Author.

I wish that spinach tasted like chocolate,
Instead of tasting sour and bitter.
I wish that candy bars were loaded with nutrition,
So that eating as many as I like would make me even fitter.
I wish I could finish my homework quickly every day,
Instead of feeling drowsy as soon as I start to write.
I wish I could keep a dragon as a pet at home,
So I can play with him to my heart’s delight.
I wish that one day, I get to meet a real fairy,
Instead of just reading about fairies in folklore.
I wish that the fairy answers all my questions to her,
So then, I can ask her several more.


Santhini Govindan is a widely published, award-winning author of children’s literature in India. She has written more than fifty books for children of all ages, and her work includes picture books, chapter books and short stories. She enjoys reading and writing poetry, and many of her original poems are taught in schools across India, South East Asia, and the Middle East.


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