Love Poem by Teens

This is about me wanting to see a guy but instead I just look at him across the quad.

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The feeling is mutual as it goes the same way as mine. I know it's kinda weird, but I have this feeling that he also watches over me. But then again, I'm not gonna expect too much as this...

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I Watch Him From Afar

© more by Miranda S

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

I watch him from afar
At lunch we walk, separated by a bar
You don't know how much my eyes follow you
I know you can't tell, but what I say is true

I want to tell you everything
But in the end I tell you nothing
I always try to talk to you
Even if it's something simple like the sky is blue

My eyes follow you everywhere
I just look for the flow of your hair
I look for that way you walk
and the way you move when you talk

I try to walk by
and possibly get to say hi
It's almost like a game of tag
But you always seem to lag

I wonder if you watch me too
I've seen you look when I do
But neither of us look away
Till we're called a different way

But I always go back
It's how I separate myself from the pack


more by Miranda S

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  • Nerisan Arena by Nerisan Arena
  • 6 years ago

The feeling is mutual as it goes the same way as mine. I know it's kinda weird, but I have this feeling that he also watches over me. But then again, I'm not gonna expect too much as this feeling will go way somehow. Awe!

  • Priscilla by Priscilla
  • 15 years ago

I know the feeling. There is a guy that I do that same too. Well did in high school. He's a family friend so I still see him almost every Saturday. It's hard and I still don't have to courage to really talk to him.

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